Configuring Infor d/EPM business applications

Use the information in this section to set up the Infor d/EPM business applications to use GL-related BODs sent from the source ERP system to the Infor Business Vault Base Data Store.

Business Object Documents (BODs) are xml files used to exchange information between business applications. BODs are a method of integrating with Infor ERP or FMS applications (source systems). Several Infor source systems publish BODs with information used to import database structure and financial data. These integrations are designed to make it easier to use Infor ERP or FMS structure and data as the foundation.

These BODs are supported for structure:

  • AccountingEntity
  • AccountingChart
  • ChartOfAccounts
  • CodeDefinition
  • CurrencyExchangeRateMaster

These BODs are supported for data:

  • SourceSystemGLMovement
  • SourceSystemJournalEntry
  • CurrencyExchangeRateMaster

There are no BODs explicitly for Version. However, ledger book instances or ledger types referenced within the SourceSystemGLMovement BODs can be imported into the Version dimension. The Accounting Chart defines the code lists used for up to ten custom dimensions.