Common Settings tab

This table describes the functions on the Common Settings tab:

Common settings Description
Activate Advanced Settings To activate the advanced settings, select Activated from the list. This message is shown:

Warning! Activating the advanced settings will display internal dimensions and cubes of the system. Changing these system objects can cause the system will not work properly. Do you really want to switch to the advanced configuration settings?

Click Yes. To apply these settings, you must restart Designer. When activated, the System Configuration node that includes the system dimensions is shown in the Designer tree.

Metadata from Infor Financials Shows The metadata is up-to-date or The metadata is out-of-date. This option is for the Infor Financials integration feature.
Cash Flow To activate the cash flow functionality, select Enabled from the list.

In addition, you must define the required system accounts for the cash flow on the System Elements tab.

OLAP Transactions logs To enable transaction logging, select Enabled. A transaction log records every transaction made to an OLAP cube in a separate log file. This log file is used to restore changes to a cube in the case a server was unable to save the cube before shutting down. The transaction log is named after the cube and has a TRS extension. The file is saved in the database directory.
Workforce Planning Dimension Settings Used to select which dimension should be synchronized for Workforce Planning. After selecting the dimension, the default hierarchy is synchronized to an alternate hierarchy.

The alternate hierarchy has the same structure as the default hierarchy. Each parent element gets new child named after the parent with an underscore in front of the name.

Navigation Translation Update Used to update the translation strings. This is optional.
Activate Demo Cube To activate the automotive demo cube, select Activated.
Integration View – Model importHere you configure and start the structure import from external database source views and the dimension mappings. Click the Browse button to open the Import Model dialog box.
Integration View – Data importHere you start the data import from external database source views. Click the Browse button to open the Import Data dialog box.
Integration ImportUsed for data integration for Base Data Store.
Integration ImportUsed for data integration for Base Data Store.

Calendar settings are used for the automatic creation of the Calendar dimension (BPDTIME). This table describes the calendar settings:

Calendar settings Description
Start Year Defines the start year in which the Calendar dimension should start.
End Year Defines the end year of the Calendar dimension.
Note: We recommend that you define the end year at least ten years from the current year.
Fiscal Year Start Defines a start month in which the Calendar dimension should start the fiscal year.
Calendar Update Click this field to recreate the Calendar dimension with the given calendar settings. This message is shown:

Do you really want to recreate the Calendar dimension? All elements under the total element will be deleted. Afterward the elements will be recreated.

To start the recreation of the Calendar dimension, click Yes.

Common settings are stored in the Planning Configuration dimension (BPDCONFIGURATION). This table shows an example:

ID Value