Workbook Wizard


This cube is used to store configuration values for templates and dashboards used within Workbook Wizard.

WWDDASHBOARDList of all the dashboards
WWDTYPECategories of workbooks and dashboards
WWDWIDGETHierarchical list of all the widgets and their object for each dashboard
BPDPARAMETERMain parameter dimension
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension


This cube is used for configuration values for workbooks, default workbooks for finance, decision package, and cash flow.

BPDCYCLEConfiguration set definition
BPDLEVELIncludes hierarchies and elements to differentiate
WWDWORKBOOKList of all workbooks
WWDWIDGETHierarchical list of all the widgets and their object for each dashboard
WWDTABTab definition for each workbook
WWDTYPECategories of workbooks and dashboards
BPDPARAMETERMain parameter dimension
BPDLANGUAGELanguage dimension


This is a placeholder cube and is not used.

WWDOBJECTTYPEList of objects
BPDPARAMETERMain parameter dimension