Creating a rolling forecast

A rolling forecast crosses over the fiscal year end as part of the forecasting process. Every month the forecast can be extended for the next 12 or more months.

  1. Click the Home icon.
  2. Select Applications > Financial Applications > Forecast > Data Transfer > Create Forecast.
  3. Click the Rolling Forecast tab.
  4. Click New Forecast Fact Data Load.
  5. Specify this information:
    Select a fiscal forecast version.
    Select an entity.
    Planning Step
    Select a planning step.
    Actual Data
    Select the actual version to copy into the target periods in the forecast version.
    Plan Data
    Select the budget version to copy into the target periods in the forecast version.
  6. Click OK.
    The forecast process copies from the selected versions into the appropriate periods for the forecast version being created.

You can update an existing rolling forecast by clicking the Configure icon next to the forecast you want to update.