Farm monitoring

Farm monitoring provides metrics to give insight into events while a farm is running. Those events can help to identify unusual situations that, without investigation and correction might develop into issues. Monitoring is on by default but can be switched off in the Farm Settings widget. Switching off monitoring stops monitoring of all services in a farm.

Farm monitoring has these diagnostic commands associated with it:

  • monitoring-enable
  • monitoring-disable
  • monitoring-start
  • monitoring-stop
  • monitoring-status
  • monitoring-metrics

Metrics are grouped into these collector types, according to the frequency which their values change:

  • VeryFast: 1 minute
  • Fast: 5 minutes
  • Moderate: 30 minutes
  • Slow: 1 hour
  • VerySlow: 1 day

The monitoring-metrics diagnostic command lists all metrics within a collector type, which you specify as an argument of the command.