Workforce Detail report

To access the Workforce Detail report, select Home > Applications > Sub Plan > Workforce Budgeting > Reporting > Workforce Detail Report.

In Workforce Detail Configuration, select the context of the report and click Run.

The report lists totals for the selected entity, organization, job, and position. If you select All Organizations, workforce costs for each organization are displayed, including the totals for the organizations' parent organizations. Options to select all jobs and all positions are available.

For each position, the report breaks down the costs of each benefit at the selected summary level. If you select Total Costs as the summary level, the report shows a value for each type of cost within the total. Alternatively, you can select an individual cost or benefit as the summary level.

You can select the budget level at which to view workforce costs in the report. These budget levels are available:

  • Position level: Displays budgeted costs for each position multiplied by the authorized headcount.
  • Employee level: Displays budgeted costs for each position assignment. The costs that are associated with vacant and partially vacant positions are displayed if you select Show Vacant.

In the report, you can include costs for approved, submitted but not yet approved, and not submitted positions that are requested through decision packages.

Note: The option to show not submitted positions is available only if you selected Show unsubmitted decision package positions in a sub plan in Workforce Budgeting Configuration Wizard.
The FTE column displays the annualized full time equivalent for each vacant position and position assignment.

The Head Count column displays this information:

  • If more than one year's data is displayed, the headcount for each year
  • If the selected periodicity level is Yearly, the headcount in Period 12
  • If the selected periodicity level is Monthly:
    • And one period is displayed, the headcount for that period
    • And multiple periods are displayed, but fewer than a whole year, the headcount for the last period
    • And a full year of months is displayed, the headcount in Period 12