Application Studio
Ability to hide rows or columns based on the value of a cell
In the rows and column properties, you can reference a cell inside the hyperblock. In case of the logical value that returns True or False, the visibility of row or column also can be controlled.
Suppression of duplicate elements by name
You can use the OLAP
function in list definitions. You can
suppress duplicates either by element name or by element unique name.
Support for the permanently delete option
A new option to permanently delete objects from the report catalog is implemented. This option is available for reports, folders, report books, and report book folders. Permanent deletion does not require a check-in of the parent folder and improves working in multiple user environments.
Hyperblock property indent text
You can now use a formula to control the indentation of text in hyperblocks. All formula results other than false, 0, or negative numbers apply indentation.