Kernel error codes

This table describes the kernel error codes:

Error code Description
0 No errors have occurred.
1 There is at least one invalid parameter.
2 The dimension already exists.
3 No dimensions have been created.
4 The creation of the dimension could not be canceled.
5 No name has been entered for the element.
6 The element type is invalid. Either you tried writing to a consolidated cell, or you specified an invalid element type.
7 The element already exists.
8 The element could not be assigned to the dimension.
9 No user name has been entered.
10 Access is denied. The maximum number of users for this server has been reached. Try again later.
11 The user is unknown.
12 The password is wrong.
13 The server is in single-user mode.
14 The configuration file could not be found.
15 Wrong or invalid function number
16 Invalid license file.
17 The license file could not be opened.
18 Not enough memory to establish the connection.
19 The database specified in the configuration file could not be opened.
20 The database has an invalid format.
21 An error occurred while reading the database.
22 Not enough memory to load the user list.
23 Not enough memory to load the group list.
24 Not enough memory to load the dimensions.
25 Not enough memory to load the cubes.
26 The dimension could not be found.
27 The dimension could not be modified.
28 Internal error: Contact the software manufacturer.
29 A user with this name already exists.
30 Internal error: Identifier not valid
31 The group name is invalid or missing.
32 A group with this name already exists.
33 This group name does not exist.
34 You are not authorized to carry out this operation.
35 Error in saving the database.
36 Error in saving the dimensions.
37 The referenced element does not exist.
38 Not enough memory to address the grouped elements.
39 This function cannot be used in this context.
40 Impossible to allocate heap for variables.
41 Internal error: An element in the variable heap cannot be created.
42 The cube already exists.
43 The number of dimensions for this cube is invalid.
44 There is not enough available memory to load the values of the cube.
45 The new cube could not be created.
46 The dimension #__TAB__ cannot be created or edited.
47 The cube does not exist or cannot be loaded.
48 At least one dimension of the cube cannot be cleared from memory.
49 The values of the cube could not be cleared from memory.
50 The cube could not be cleared from memory.
51 Internal error: Function NHpElementPointer or VHpEl.. returned NULL pointer
52 The element is not grouped.
53 Internal error: ID of SubElement is out of range
54 At least one file could not be accessed.
55 Error in loading a dimension.
56 Wrong file format (incompatible version)
57 Invalid or incompatible file
58 Error in reading one file at least.
59 The dimension could not be loaded.
60 The cube could not be created.
61 Not enough memory.
62 The file could not be created.
63 The requested information is not available.
64 Error in saving.
65 The dimension element could not be found.
66 No values have been found in the cube.
67 Internal error: Impossible to add element to cube value.
68 The element cannot be changed.
69 The entered value does not match the value type of the cell.
70 There are no values at level 0.
71 Error in calculation.
72 Error in determining the element level
73 The dimension contains a circular reference.
74 Internal error: The consolidated element has no beginning.
75 Wrong or invalid parameter.
78 A memory problem occurred during update.
79 The index does not exist.
80 The element is not a rule.
81 Internal error: Impossible to delete value with 'R' or 'C' as dimension element.
82 The saved result set does not match the query definition.
83 The data area could not be read.
84 Internal error: The subset database could not be opened.
85 The data area could not be found.
86 The subset could not be found. It was either deleted or you do not have the necessary access permissions.
87 A dimension element cannot be inserted.
88 The dimension is already loaded.
89 The attribute table cannot be created.
90 Too many fields in the attribute table.
91 Internal error: The Attributes field is not valid for creating a table or reading the field content.
92 No fields in the attribute table.
93 Not enough memory to load the attribute table.
94 The attribute table was not found.
95 The attribute record that was allocated to the element could not be found.
96 There is no entry for this element in the attribute table.
97 The field could not be found in the attribute table.
98 There are too many indices defined in this attribute table.
99 The memory for the cube rules could not be initialized.
100 The cube is not loaded.
101 The value is outside the valid range.
102 An error has been found in the rules.
103 The object could not be found.
104 Internal error: Impossible to create TrefNdx heap or write to it.
105 The cube could not be cleared from memory.
106 Error in deleting.
107 The view is too large.
108 There is no view available.
109 Not enough memory to create this view.
110 Invalid slice ID.
111 Invalid packet size. There is either a network problem or the server is incompatible with your client.
112 At least one file could not be deleted.
113 The element name is too long.
114 Internal error: No free CSD slot.
115 The request was canceled due to time-out.
116 No query has been defined.
117 Error in updating.
118 The cursor is invalid.
119 Invalid cube rule
120 A user with this license number is already logged on to the server.
121 Not enough memory to create the DS structure.
122 Not enough memory to create the DA structure.
123 Invalid DA structure
124 Invalid DS structure
125 At least one file cannot be opened.
126 The notes for this cube cannot be accessed.
127 The note cannot be saved.
128 The note cannot be deleted.
129 Sequence error on the server
130 Another user has changed the cube or dimension you are working with. Your operation has been aborted.
131 The server has not started properly or has been shut down.
132 The paging file for the server could not be created.
133 The maximum number of children for the consolidated element has been exceeded.
134 The element consolidates itself (circular reference).
135 The operation has been canceled by the user.
136 Error in processing a cube rule.
137 End of file is reached.
138 System dimensions cannot be deleted.
139 The element cannot be removed from the dimension.
140 The rule text is too long.
141 The dimension or cube cannot be saved.
142 The attribute record cannot be deleted.
143 Internal error: NOHANDLE in NHpAlloc or VHpAlloc.
144 Too many different consolidation factors.
145 Not enough parameters entered for MultiplePutCell.
146 Too many queries for MultiplePutCell.
147 Error in reading file.
148 The dimension cannot be cleared from memory.
149 Wrong number of dimensions in slice function.
150 The timestamps could not be saved.
151 Memory could not be reserved for replicator.
153 The text for this accelerator is too long.
155 Internal error: Impossible to create an accelerator heap.
156 Internal error: Impossible to create a CSI tree for table.
157 Internal error: The dimension order in CSI is incorrect.
158 The root directory of the database is invalid or not available.
159 The database name is invalid or not available.
160 You cannot delete or change this group.
161 You cannot change this user.
162 Accelerator database cannot be created.
163 Error in reading or writing the accelerator database.
164 The name of the dimension element is too long.
165 This operation cannot be executed in the demo version.
166 Time-out
167 Two attribute fields have the same name.
168 Private subsets cannot be used in a public data area.
169 There are too many elements in the dimension, the limit is: 250.000.
170 The maximum size of the rule cache has been exceeded.
171 Invalid OEM product code.
174 User file in use by another user.
175 A general synchronization error occurred.
176 Impossible to initialize the advanced subset.
177 At least one global reference to an MDX result is invalid.
178 The dimension element attribute is not unique.
179 Internal error: Tuple without factor.
180 User file already exists.
181 The maximum stack size in the server has been reached. The rule recursion may be too deep, or a circular reference exists in the rules. Contact your administrator.
182 The OLAP kernel function cannot be applied to the selected object.
183 This operation must not be carried out for virtual OLAP objects.
184 The ASO server has sent an unknown request.
185 The ASO event-stack is full.
186 The ASO event-stack is empty.
187 An unknown object has created an ASO event.
188 An object has created an unknown ASO event.
189 At least one calculated value could not be written to the cache.
190 The cache for calculated values is full.
191 There are no elements in the dimension.
192 The user group must contain at least one user.
193 The user group does not exist.
194 Another server is using this database.
195 A dimension can only be used once in a cube.
196 One element name contains invalid characters.
197 The name is invalid. Check it for invalid or too many characters.
198 The virtual OLAP object has been changed but could not be updated.
199 The ASO engine is disabled.
200 If you use Overflow Areas, you cannot write values to cells on the left side of an accelerator.
201 You cannot access the database because it is locked for administrative purposes.
202 The administration mode of the server cannot be changed, since the server is already running in that mode.
203 The maximum number of direct parents of one element has been exceeded.
204 A virtual dimension could not be found.
205 Consolidated elements without children are invalid.
206 The local communication cannot be used for ASO clients.
207 The license server does not have sufficient licensing units.
208 The license has expired.
209 The trial license has expired.
210 Error in parsing XML.
211 The license server does not have a license that matches the requested feature for the server.
212 The requested feature is bound to a specific computer; your request comes from an unauthorized computer.
213 The user or computer has been excluded from access to the requested feature.
214 The vendor identification of the license does not match the vendor identification of the feature.
215 The license on the selected license server is inactive.
216 The license server on the selected host is not available to process license-operation requests.
217 The communication with the license server has timed out.
218 An invalid computer name has been specified.
219 A license server has not been set up, or it is impossible to determine which license server is to be used.
220 The network is unable to carry out the license operations.
221 This MDS function cannot be used for huge dimensions.
222 This function is no longer available in the current version.
223 The number of coordinates does not coincide with the number of dimensions in the cube.
224 The dimension does not exist in the cube.
225 One dimension has been entered several times.
226 Invalid element type 'R' and 'S'.
227 There is a rule applied to an element.
228 Incorrect cube type, type must be 'U'.
229 The value of the cell that is to be consolidated must not be empty or zero.
230 The consolidated cell does not match the external target coordinate.
231 The children of the consolidated cell that is to be updated, and the children of the external (consolidated) cell are not distinct.
232 The Undo file for splashing cannot be created. Contact the administrator to check the configuration of the Undo files directory.
233 Rollback is impossible, the cube has been changed.
234 The XML parser is not installed.
235 Splashing is not possible, since too many base values would have to be written. Please ask your administrator to check the 'Maximum number of cells for one splashing operation' setting.
236 With this operation you cannot log off from the server yourself.
237 The target cube differs from the source cube.
238 The encryption levels of client and server are distinct.
239 You cannot change your password, because you are logged on through Windows authentication.
240 The restriction for the External Weighted Basis Splashing Mode has been disregarded.
241 Incorrect Repository provider type.
242 Incorrect Repository Connection String.
243 Logon procedure failed: Check your user name and domain, then retype your password. Passwords are case-sensitive. Make sure that CAPS LOCK is not accidentally on.
244 Logon procedure failed: Check your user name and domain, then retype your password. Passwords are case-sensitive. Make sure that CAPS LOCK is not accidentally on.
245 Authentication error.
246 Corrupted User Management ticket.
247 User Management ticket has expired.
248 Generic Repository error. For example, there may be a missing interface of the Repository database.
249 The Multi-DAC does not contain the #__GRP__dimension, or it contains an unknown dimension.
250 Incorrect cube type.
251 One XML property has been applied multiple times.
252 The XML property is read-only.
253 The rule recursion is too deep.
254 A circular reference has been detected in the rule.
255 The value of the cell that is to be consolidated must not be empty or zero.
256 The external value that is to be consolidated must not be empty or zero.
257 Invalid level number. The number is negative or too high.
258 A level with this name already exists in this dimension.
259 Your calculation has been canceled, because another user gained write access on one of the objects you have been using. Restart your operation.
260 Only one multidimensional access control cube is allowed.
261 A multidimensional access control cube does not exist or cannot be loaded.
262 Due to an internal read-only connection you are not allowed to make any changes in Repository.
263 The connection to the central User Management database cannot be established.
264 You do not have the necessary permission.
265 Problems with Repository.
266 Configuration problems in Repository.
267 Invalid or unknown Repository database version.
268 Internal exception in Repository database.
269 Check-in or check-out problem.
270 Problem while writing information to Repository database.
271 Problem while deleting or referencing in Repository database.
272 The password is too long.
273 Wrong XMLA dimension type.
274 No measure dimension has been set.
275 The connection to the server was refused due to different language settings in the operating system. Contact your system administrator.
276 The timestamp of the rules is invalid. The rules have been edited by another user before the modifications were completed.
277 The subset definition is invalid.
278 Invalid Repository authentication system.
279 Admin has aborted the task.
281 Incorrect cube name: the cube name from the DataAreaDefine function differs from the cube name which was sent to the server through an XML request.
282 The batch calculation has already been started by another user.
283 The batch calculation has been stopped due to inconsistent user slots.
284 The batch calculation has been stopped.
285 Subsets used in rules must remain public and static. They cannot be deleted.
286 The new password is not valid because it does not comply with the security restrictions.
287 The password has expired and must be changed.
288 The user account is disabled.
289 A generic error occurred in the Repository database. For example, there may be a missing interface of the Repository database.
290 The database can only be modeled by Designer.
291 The dimension cannot be updated, because the external name differs.
292 The limit to ODBO member instances of one OLAP element has been reached, the dimension is too complex.
293 Invalid locale identifier.
294 Relational database error.
295 Structural changes are only possible in single-node cluster mode or if cluster mode is disabled.
296 Invalid cube configuration in the _Cubes table.
297 Invalid cube dimension data in the _CubesDimensions table.
298 Invalid cube access control data in the _CubeAccessControl table.
299 Invalid dimension data in the _Dimensions table.
300 Invalid attribute field data in the _AttributeFields table.
301 Invalid subset data in the _Subsets table.
302 Invalid Load Jobs connection data.
303 Invalid cube metadata.
304 Invalid job data.
305 General SQL error in Load Jobs process.
306 General XML error in Load Jobs process.
307 Invalid fact load data.
308 There are too many elements in the dimension to use cache partitioning.
309 Invalid DAC or MDAC data.
310 Invalid Load Jobs source accessor setup.
311 Invalid Cron schedule string.
312 Element attribute too big to load into OLAP.
313 Cell changes are not allowed in cluster mode.
314 The mode of the cluster node to which you are connected has been changed from Read-only to Update. The node is currently unavailable for read operations. Try to reconnect.
315 A reserved word has been used as an element name.
316 The data area has already been used by a Dataarea operation. A data area can only be used once.
317 Invalid hierarchy data in the Load Jobs _Hierarchies table.
318 The maximum number of allowed hierarchies has been reached.
319 No hierarchy found.
320 A hierarchy template can be defined only once in a dimension write request.
321 The hierarchy name is too long.
322 Cannot display or change the cell note because a new format is used.
323 The hierarchy does not have any element.
324 A subset with this name already exists.
325 Invalid characters in the hierarchy name.
326 The string is too long.
327 In a mixed-mode splash operation, the same dimension was marked as 'distribute' in two different sources.
328 A missing or unknown element was replaced.
329 Load Jobs was committed with issues.
330 Load Jobs query returned no rows.
331 Load Jobs task is already running.
332 Cannot delete hierarchy referenced by an attribute-driven hierarchy.
333 Ticket of the user could not be retrieved.
334 Synchronization error: <description>.
335 Exception was thrown to inform client about error condition (FaultResponse).
336 Session is already being disconnected, no requests possible.
337 No databases found.
338 Elements without hierarchy not allowed when hierarchy is present in request.
339 An upload operation is in progress.
340 Dimension is corrupt.
341 Invalid configuration in _HierarchyLevelNames.
342 Invalid configuration in _HierarchyAttributes.
343 Missing mandatory XML attribute.
344 Invalid DimensionMapping.
345 Invalid dimension name in Alea:MultipleValueMapping.
346 Missing elements in ValueMapping.
347 A warning has occurred while stop on warning is set to true.
348 Invalid value of boolean attribute.
349 If root level name is supplied - root element name must be supplied as well.
350 Invalid dimension name in Alea:MultipleValueMapping.
351 Invalid value in the element type column.
352 A value in the element type column required trimming.
353 Invalid value of integer attribute.
354 Attribute value has been overwritten.
355 Consolidated element has multiple parents.
356 Attribute value required truncation.
357 Failed to commit the job due to warnings that occurred.
358 Invalid value in ExcludeWarningAndInfoMessageErrorIds.
359 Generation of unique dimension element failed.
360 Placeholder is not used in element batches.
361 There is no element name available.
362 m_lUserSlot not correctly initialized.
363 Only one redirect element is allowed for cell going to be redirected.
364 Write operation can't be redirected due to unsupported type of the value.
365 Factor between the YTD element and the periodic element is zero.
366 The supplied attributes cannot be used at the same time.
367 No DimensionMapping was defined for a dimension in the cube.
368 A source column is used twice.
369 Attribute value has wrong type in the source table.
370 XML request violates XML schema.
371 The splash operation could not be executed as the entire target area is locked.
1042 Connection failed.