Transaction logging
This log file can be used to restore changes to a cube in the case a server was unable to save the cube before shutting down. A separate log file is maintained for each OLAP cube. It is named after the cube being logged and has a TRS extension. For example, TOTSALES.TRS. The file is saved in the database directory.
The transaction file is maintained as long as the corresponding cube is not saved. If you issue a cube save command, or the cube is saved automatically, the next time you change data in the cube, the transaction protocol is cleared and restarted. A transaction log record is written to disk each time a change is made to a cube for which a log is maintained. The transaction log stores the value written to the cube and the address of the cell to which the change was made.
In the event of a power failure, the log file is used by the server to restore the database. Upon initialization of the server, the server loads the cube that was logged. Then the server reads the appropriate log file, restoring each transaction to its value prior to the power failure. A message appears in the Aleapr.txt file indicating that the transactions have been restored.
You enable transaction logging by selecting the Enable Transaction Log option on the Edit Database dashboard in d/EPM Administration.
Transaction logging of splashing operations is disabled in 12.0.1. Splashing operations can be logged only in the Changelog (alias AleaLog).