Infor d/EPM Platform

We recommend that you back up these items:

  • Databases:
    • Configuration

      Back up the farm configuration database as it holds the keys for repository encryption. Losing these keys means that you also lose the repository content.

    • Log
    • Repository
  • OLAP directories:
    • Central database
    • Central backup
  • Configuration files:
    • The Farm.config file in this folder: C:\Program Files\Infor\BI\config

      Back up the farm.config file directly after configuring the Infor d/EPM Platform farm. It holds the master keys. Losing these keys means that you lose access to your databases for Configuration Service and Repository Service. You cannot reset these keys.

    • Optionally, all *.config files from all folders of services except for the *.exe.config files.
  • Load Job files
  • Farm profile file

You should also pay attention to permissions on folders.