Creating a report

This section describes how to create reports that contain filters, horizontal, vertical axes, and value formulas.
You can use the Excel Integration user interface to create reports.
Note: Reports that you create might require some manual steps to work properly in future releases.
  1. To add a data filter, click the cell where you want to add a filter and click Filter.
  2. To add a horizontal axis to your report, click a cell where you want the horizontal list to start and click Horizontal Elements.
  3. To add a vertical axis, click a cell where you want the axis to start and click Vertical Elements.
  4. To add a value formula to your report, click a cell where you want to add the first value and click One Value.
  5. Modify the value formula.
    1. Double-click the cell with the INFOR.READ.VALUE or INFOR.GET.VALUE formula that you want to modify.
    2. Find the cell address of the cell that contains the horizontal axis.
    3. Edit the anchors for the row.
      For example, change $B$5 to B$5.
    4. Find the cell address of the cell that contains the vertical axis.
    5. Edit the anchors for the column.
      For example, change $C$4 to $C4.
  6. Spread the value formula over the report area.
    1. Click the right bottom corner of the cell and drag it to the right along the horizontal axis.
    2. Click the right bottom corner of the selected cells and drag it down the vertical axis.