Adding records to a model

Business objects are groups of the structural records of a model, such as entities and accounts. Business objects can be categorized as standard objects, module-specific objects, and custom objects.

Custom business objects include ten analysis dimensions and three segments, which you can rename and use as you require. For example, Business Units are not standard business objects but you might rename Segment 1 to represent Business Units.

You can add to a model by one or more of these methods: manually, by importing from the integration database, or by uploading from a file. Exceptions are currencies and calendars, which you select from tables that are delivered with the Infor d/EPM business application. In a typical implementation, a variety of data sources is used.

Business Modeling is provided with a standard set of currencies and their ISO codes. Currencies cannot be added or removed, only activated or deactivated.

Standard business objects

This table shows the standard business objects:

Object Add Import Upload
Entities Y Y Y
Accounts Y Y Y
Asset categories Y N Y
Schedules Y N Y
Cash flow accounts Y N Y

Module-specific business objects

This table shows the module-specific business objects:

Object Add Import Upload Module
Groups Y N Y Consolidation
Group Accounts Y Y Y Consolidation
Cash Flow Group Accounts Y N Y Consolidation

Custom business objects

To configure custom business objects, select Manage Model > Business Objects Configuration. This table shows the custom business objects that are available:

Object Add Import Upload
Custom Details Y N Y
Segments 1 -3 Y Y Y
Analysis Dimensions 1-5 and 7-11 Y Y Y
Organizations Y Y Y
Note: Before you can add or upload custom details, you must create at least one hierarchy.