Example and usage

The Item List web extension has parameters for its core functionality, and additional parameters to customize its content.

These are the primary parameters:

  • Item keys: A reference to a range of cells that contain the unique names of items and actions for further processing. When an action is triggered, Actions.Input.Text sends one of these values:
    • Actions.Input.Text="Row": The item is selected.
    • Actions.Input.Text="Edit": The Edit button was clicked.
    • Actions.Input.Text="Delete": The Delete button was clicked.
  • Item data: A reference to a range of cells containing item data, or to a cell containing XML of the same data. The first column of the data range is reserved for these optional properties of item keys:
  • Title (string)
  • Description 1(string)
  • Description 2 (string)
  • Timestamp (string)
  • Visible (boolean): If False, the item is hidden. True is the default.
  • Enabled (boolean): If False, the item is disabled. True is the default.
  • Selected (boolean): If True, the item is selected. False is the default.
  • Edit (boolean): If True, inline edit and delete icons are displayed. False is the default.
These additional parameters enable customization of the content. Specify ="" to use defaults where available.
Note: Where you can specify text, such as for the error message, use the TRANSLATEUNIQUESTRING function to ensure that the text is translated if the language of the user interface is changed.
  • Multiselect: If True, multiselection is enabled. False is the default.
  • Search Box Placeholder: By default, the search box is visible and empty. Specify False to disable the check box.
  • Error Message: By default, if there are no list items, the error message is No items available.
  • Main Title: The title of the list. By default, no title is displayed.
  • Main Title Color: The default color of the title is #368ac0.
  • Title Color: The default color of the title's font is #1a1a1a.
  • Selected Color: The color in which the selected row is highlighted. The default is #c8e9f4.
  • Selected Items Text: By default, the text is Selected. This parameter is applicable only if multiselection is enabled.
  • Remove Action: Define an action on a cell, which is triggered when the Remove button is clicked. The default text is Remove. This parameter is applicable only if multiselection is enabled.
  • Hide Side Borders: Specify True to hide the left and right borders of the row. By default, the borders are visible.
  • Border Color: By default, the color of borders is #d8d8d8.
  1. Create an Application Studio report.
  2. Insert this sample data into the range B8:H12:
    Key Title Description1 Description2 Enabled Selected Edit
    a Item A Description A FALSE TRUE
    b Item B Description B Detailed info B FALSE FALSE FALSE
    c Item C Description C TRUE FALSE
    d Item D Description D FALSE FALSE
  3. Create a report variable named rv_SelectedItem and specify c as the value and the default value and select as its value. In the properties of the variable, specify False as the value of Is Persistent option.
  4. In cell G9, specify =ReportVariables.rv_SelectedItem.Text=B9. Copy the formula to cells G10, G11, and G12.
    After this update, the cells retain their original texts.
  5. On each of the key cells (B9, B10, B11, and B12), create an action with these characteristics:
    Actions: Type
    Select Set Parameters as the action type.
    Actions: Mode
    Select Web Extension as the mode.
    Actions: Condition
    Specify =Actions.Input.Text="ROW".
    Note: This condition is invalid unless the action mode is Web Extension.
    Parameters: Name
    Click Add parameter and select the rv_SelectedItem variable.
    Parameters: Property
    Specify Selected Value(.Text).
    Parameters: Value
    For the action in B9, specify =B9. For the other actions, specify =B10, =B11, and =B12 respectively.
  6. Create a report variable named rv_TitleItemA and specify Item A as its value. In the properties of the variable, specify Item A as the default value and select False as the value of Is Persistent option.
  7. In cell C9, specify =ReportVariables.rv_TitleItemA.Text and press Enter.
    After this update, the cell retains its original text.
  8. On cell B9, create an action with these characteristics:
    Actions: Type
    Select Set Parameters as the action type.
    Actions: Mode
    Select Web Extension as the mode.
    Actions: Condition
    Specify =Actions.Input.Text="EDIT"
    Note: This condition is invalid unless the action mode is Web Extension.
    Parameters: Name
    Click Add parameter and select the rv_TitleItemA variable.
    Parameters: Property
    Select Value(.Text)
    Parameters: Value
    Specify ="Edited Item A".
  9. In cell B13, specify this SETPROPERTY formula:
  10. Click Web Extension on the Objects toolbar and double-click the Item List web extension.
    The cursor changes to a cross hair.
  11. Drag the cursor to insert, size, and position the web extension.
  12. Specify these parameters.
    Unique Names
    Specify the range of cells that contain the unique names of the list items. In this example, specify =B9:B12.
    Item Data
    Specify the range of cells that defines the data table for the extension. In this example, specify =B13.
  13. Optionally, specify values for these parameters, or specify ="" to use the default values.
    Main Title
    By default, the list has no title. Optionally, specify a title.
    Main Title Font Color
    If a main title is specified, its default color is blue (#368ac0). Optionally, specify a different color value.
    Search Box Placeholder
    By default, the search box is empty. Optionally, specify text to display in the box. To hide the search box, specify FALSE (case sensitive).
    Error Message
    By default, no error is shown if there are no items available. Optionally, specify an error message. Use TRANSLATESTRING to facilitate translation of the error if the UI language is changed.
    Title Font Color
    By default, the title of list items is dark grey (#1a1a1a). Optionally, specify a different color value
    Selected Color
    Specify the color in which the selected list item is highlighted. The default is a light blue (#c8e9f4). Optionally, specify a different color value.
    By default, you can select only single items. To enable check boxes for selection of multiple items, specify =”TRUE”.
    Hide Side Borders
    By default, each row has a left and a right border. Specify “=TRUE” to hide these borders.
    Border Color
    By default, the top and side borders of the list are light grey (#d8d8d8). Optionally, specify a different color value.
    Selected Items Text
    If multiselect is enabled, the number of selected items is indicated, followed by Selected. Optionally, specify a different text. Use TRANSLATESTRINGUNIQUE to facilitate translation of the text if the UI language is changed.
    Action Bar Remove Button

    If multiselect is enabled, you can display a Remove button to deselect selected items. Specify the reference of a cell that contains the word Remove.

    Use TRANSLATESTRING to facilitate translation of the button if the UI language is changed.