Database, worker, and cluster node status

The Status widget shows the state of a selected database, cluster node, or worker, together with performance and other information such as memory usage.

The Status widget is in the Databases and the Cluster Nodes dashboards.

These statuses can be indicated and are displayed in a list at the top of the widget:

  • Online or Offline
  • Enabled or Disabled

    Corresponds to the activation state of the tenant or parent application. A disabled database cannot be used.

  • Automatic or Manual

    The database or service instance is configured to start automatically, or be started manually.

  • Corrupted

    The database cannot be started because its storage is not usable. This might be, for example, because of an inconsistency between the description of its files and the files that are actually present, or because there is no version, or an update step failed.

    The colors of the status indicators have these meanings:

    • Green: Available
    • Orange: Available with warnings
    • Blue: Unavailable, without errors
    • Red: Unavailable with errors
    • Grey: Stopped

If a database is locked for use only by administrators, this is indicated.

Select Dashboards > OLAP > Databases, or Dashboards > OLAP > Cluster Nodes.

OLAP databases run only on cluster nodes. Each cluster node equates to a machine running an OLAP database. OLAP cluster nodes do not require an OLAP manager or worker to be registered to the farm.

To view a status, select from the Databases, Cluster Nodes and Database Workers widgets.

If a cluster node is a dedicated cluster node, its dedicated cluster node alias is displayed in the Status of Database and Cluster Nodes widgets .

You can view the logs for a selected database. Click View Logs in the Status of Database widget. To administer and view logs for the farm, use the System Logs Management and View System Logs dashboards.