Running a request

To run a request:

  1. Open the Run Requests page.
  2. Select the appropriate data source.
  3. Select the appropriate engine.
  4. Specify the user name to use when running the request.
  5. Specify the password to use when running the request.
  6. Specify the request.
  7. Optionally, select the Display Status Messages every check box if you want to see messages indicating the status of the request.
  8. Click Execute.


This example is for the Workforce calculation engine (WorkforceCalc). COMP05 is the individual leaf member. TOTAL_COMPANY is a consolidated node. All leaf members under this node are processed.


For the Workforce Export engine (ExportWorkforce), specify whether to encrypt the export files. Specify ENCRYPT=1 to encrypt the exported files. Specify ENCRYPT=0 if you do not want the export files encrypted.