Attribute Definitions

Use the Attribute Definitions page to define which attributes to use in the employee header record and the position assignment record. The attributes define the fields for the data entry forms.

These are the two types of attribute:

Position attributes contain information that is specific to the position and generally does not change. These attributes must be enabled:

If you are using allocation, this attribute must be enabled:

If Step and Grade is enabled on the Global Settings page, these attributes must be enabled:

Employee header record attributes contain information that is specific to the employee and generally does not change with position changes.

Workforce Budgeting provides a fixed set of attributes you can customize to your needs. You cannot create attributes. You only need to activate the attributes that fit your application.

This table describes the fields:

Field Description
Save any changes.
Refresh the page to the last saved state. You are prompted if there are unsaved changes.
Open the details page for the attribute values. This button is only enabled for active custom string attributes. The attribute values are displayed on the Position and Employee tabs and the Mapping and Action Generator pages.
ID Displays the attribute ID. You cannot edit the ID.
Category Displays the attribute category, either Employee or Position. You cannot edit the category.
Name Attribute name. You can change the name. The name must be unique. The name is displayed to the budgeter.
Description Attribute description. You can change the description. This information is used as a tool tip in the pages.
Type Displays the attribute type. You cannot change the type.
Column Name Displays the column name in the position and employee tables.
Display Order Specify the order in which the columns are displayed to the budgeter. If you specify an existing order number, all existing order numbers equal to or greater than that number are incremented by one. You can set optional fields as inactive by specifying zero (0) as the display order. Inactive fields are not displayed to budgeters.
Entry Required Select this check box if a value must be specified by the budgeters.