Plan Customization Settings

Use the Plan Customization Settings page to perform these tasks:

To open the Plan Customization Settings page, in Infor BI Dashboards, select Administration > Strategy Management > Plan Customization.

This table describes the fields:

Field Description
Select the data source List of data sources.
Suffix for Representative Member Captions Specify the suffix to append to representative member names. Representative members are child members specifically meant to hold data for the parent. The default is - data.

Update Format Strings for Numbers

Use this section to specify the formats to use for the various types of measure numbers. These are used when displaying the actual and target values for a measure in reports. For example, in defining a measure for a plan object, you can specify that values are to have a currency format. This step defines what that currency format is.

This information in this section is only needed when creating a shell database.

The regional settings for the number format are automatically displayed, such as 2.154,3 in Europe and 2,154.3 in the U.S., based on the regional setting on the client computer. You do not need to specify different formats. The formats specified here are automatically converted.

You can specify and display numbers in the local number format.

The section fields are:

Field Description
Number Type Displays the number type.
Format String Specify the number format string. A number format string consists of a format for positive values and two optional formats for negative and zero values. The format is:

<positive format >{;<negative format >}{;<zero string>}

The maximum number of digits to the right of the decimal point is seven. See "Customizing the number format string" for further information.

Positive Displays how the number format string will look as a positive number.
Negative Displays how the number format string will look as a negative number.
Save Save any changes.

Set Custom Extraction

Use this section to create a custom extract that is used to export data, structure, properties, attachment, and measure definitions to a report. The custom extraction is displayed in the Custom Report list on the Export Report tab.

The section fields are:

Field Description
Custom Extract List of custom extracts. There are a number of predefined custom extracts that you can use.
Name Specify the name for the custom extract.
Add a custom extract. After adding, change the name and provide a description of the extract.
Delete the selected custom extract.
Description Optional. Specify a description for the custom extract.
MDX Specify the MDX code.
XSL Specify the XSL code.
Save Save any changes.
Clear Clear the selected tab.
Available to users Select this check box to make the extract available to all users.

Edit Data Sources

Use this section to add, edit, or delete a data source for a SQL table.

Field Description
Select data source List of data sources.
Name Specify the data source name.
Add a data source.
Delete the selected data source.
Connect String Specify the connection string. For example: Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=localhost;Database=Traditional Sample SQL;UID=admin;Password=password;Timeout=0
Save Save any changes.