Navigation database upgrade

Use the Navigation Database Upgrade Utility page to run the upgrade process that performs these tasks:

You are redirected to this page if the navigation database needs to be upgraded.

This table describes the fields:

Field Description
Upgrade Upgrade the selected database to the current version. This button is enabled if a database needs to be upgraded.
Create SQL Script Create a SQL script to run later. After the script is created, click Download to download the script to a location you select. The script is named DatabaseName_Upgrade_CurrentVersion_To_TargetVersion.sql.
Refresh Refresh the page.
Continue Open the default navigation page. This option is not available if you opened the page through Dashboards.
Data Source Name Displays the name of the navigation data source.
Database Name Displays the name of the navigation database.
Database Version Displays the current version number of the navigation database.
Connection Type Displays the connection type.
Status Displays a message indicating the state of the database. For example, Upgrade Needed.
Modified By User ID of the person who last made a change.
Modified On Date and time of the last modification.