
Do not delete the default dimensions in Financial Consolidation. But you can create additional dimensions or adjust the contents.

The dimension tables have columns, which contain the default attributes. Each dimension element must have an ID. You can also add attributes to specify additional information for the dimension elements.

This table shows important dimension attributes:

Attribute Description
ID Unique element name
Name Display name
Order Position Specifies the position of the dimension elements
German Name that is displayed in the German user interface
English Name that is displayed in the English user interface
Additional language fields Name that is displayed in other languages in the user interface in Financial Consolidation
Data Source ID Assignment to a source systems (only useful, if a model is also used by other applications)

This table shows the default dimensions:

Dimension Content
CAPTION Texts for reports in different languages
CLUSTER Configuration of the report structure
CURR Currencies
DACOUNT Chart of accounts
DCCURR Company currencies
DCHECKS Validations
DCLEVEL Consolidation stages of the companies
DCOMMENT Note elements for external group reports
DCOMPC Companies
DCOMPPA Elements of company parameters
DCONSPA Elements of the consolidation parameters
DCONSRL Elements for the configuration of consolidation rules
DCONSRT Elements of the consolidation areas
DDATA Elements for the entry of financial data, historical exchange rates, etc.
DDEP Sections of the staff cube TSTAFF
DDETAIL Schedule details
DDETPA Schedule
DDETRL Elements of the schedule consolidations
DEXRATE Elements for the entry of exchange rates and inverted currency exchange rates
DFLAGS Consolidation methods and segmentation
DGCURR Group currencies
DGLEVEL Consolidation stages of the groups
DINTCO Contains the intercompany relations determined from the data of the company dimension
DLCURR Local currencies
DLIST Lists for the assignment of schedule details
DMETHOD Elements for the configuration of the consolidation methods
DMODUL Consolidation modules (only module 1 is used at present)
DPRSEGM Partner segments of the first segment
DPSEGM Elements of the first segment
DSRSEGM Partner segments of the second segment
DSSEGM Elements of the second segment
DSTAFF Information about the staff
DSTAGE Segment stages
DSTATUSC Status elements to control the company workflow
DSTATUSG Status elements to control the consolidation workflow
DSTRUCT Account structure (only one structure is used at present)
DTIME Years and periods combined
DTIMEREL Elements average (for entry) and closing (is calculated) for the entry of employee data
DTOPAC System elements (accounts, schedule details)
DTRSEGM Partner segments of the third segment
DTSEGM Elements of the third segment
DVERSIO Scenarios
LICENSES Licenses for the configuration of the model in Designer. For Financial Consolidation the attribute Enabled of license 0 and 32 is set to 'Y' in Designer.