Data Archive Reporting overview

Infor Data Archive Reporting is a set of reports or dashboards, implemented on the Birst Analytics Platform, targeted to former users of Lawson S3 applications. The reports provide access to the data previously stored by S3 applications in the application database, if the data is migrated to the Infor Data Lake.

Data, like CSV data, TaxFactory data, Vertex data, HRSD data, or environment data (GEN data, Portal data), that was not stored in the product line (application) database is unavailable using this solution. Only the primary tables from the database are directly available through a report. Certain supporting tables are exposed through these reports as well but are not directly addressed.

The reports are not intended to be faithful reproductions of the former application reports. The S3 application performed unique calculations, applied defaulting rules to derive certain data, used unique logic to perform drill-around, and had other features that were not replicated.

Infor Data Lake is the originating data source for Data Archive Reporting. Archived S3 data is orchestrated into a Birst data model, which is then used to develop the dashboard reports.

Access to this data is still required to meet various compliance, legal, and audit requirements. This system ensures strict adherence to these regulations, with specific security classes and roles defined to support these needs. Users accessing this data must be assigned specific security roles.