On Your Radar-Contract Manager

This widget shows alerts where your immediate action is required.

Four tiles show the count of individual records that meet a certain condition. When you click any tile, the details of the actionable tasks are displayed in the Required Information widget on the right.

This list shows standard tiles:

  • Contract errors and updates
    This tile shows contract errors in these categories:
    • Invoice cost differences
    • Open service invoice messages
    • Contracts with errors
    • Interface contracts where your attention is required
    • Change order requests
  • Proposed contracts

    This tile shows a list of proposed contracts in the past 90 days from various internal and external sources and stakeholders.

  • Expiring and expired contracts

    This tile shows the contracts that must be renewed or closed. Contracts that expire in the next 90 days are displayed. You can review or see all contracts of a supplier. Contracts that expired in the past 90 days are displayed. Expired contracts can be closed or removed and you can view contracts and details of a supplier.

  • Supplier Messages

    This tile shows supplier dialog in the past 90 days relative to contract renewals, contract negotiations, contract proposals, sourcing events, supplier registration, vendor credentialing, etc.

A snooze feature is available to address situations where you are uncertain about how to handle a group of records or are awaiting clarification. A default snooze time can be set in advance. When you click the snooze icon, the respective record is temporarily removed from the required actions list for the duration of the snooze period. Use the snooze list at the top of the widget to review your snoozed records. You can un-snooze records to return them to the list.