My Staff-Manager
This widget offers a centralized hub for a manager's essential tools.
Use this widget to locate and view team member profiles. Managers can select from two views:
- Staff Schedule Today shows staff statuses such as staff that is on break or on scheduled time off.
- My Staff shows direct reports, all reports, employees in the organization, and upcoming absences.
Managers can perform these standard actions in My Staff view:
- Send Email
- Create Check-In
- View Profile
- View Organization Chart
- Create Safety Observation
- Create a Corrective Action
- View staff that have scheduled time off for the day
Administrators can enable these actions that managers can perform:
- ADP Worker Update Mass Change
- Add Address
- Assign checklist
- Assign Mentor
- Assign Personal Activity
- Change Name
- Change Relationship to Organization
- Create Appraisal
- Create Resource appraisals By Employee
- Enroll in Activity
- HSRD On Board
- HSRD Provision Selected Employee
- Nominate as Successor
- Recognize Safe Behavior
- Report a Safety Observation
- Resignation
- Take Note
- Terminate
- Add work assignment
- Change pay Rate
- Transfer
- Promote
- Make schedule time off available