Past Due Deliveries-Purchasing Manager
This widget is used by the purchasing manager to monitor late PO deliveries for buyers in the organization. Use this widget to prevent disruptions in the procurement of goods and services.
A bar graph shows the number of purchase order lines that are overdue for delivery and is categorized by buyer and you have a comprehensive view of the supply chain status. You can select up to five buyers to compare. The top five buyers are determined by the number of open lines in a purchase order. Open and overdue PO lines are grouped for delivery by buyer. The grouped counts are sorted in descending order, and the top five buyers with the highest counts are identified.
Early and late delivery dates are used to determine whether a purchase order line is overdue. Delay is determined by whether a late delivery date is recorded for a specific PO line. When a late delivery date is not specified, the early delivery date is used to determine whether the line is past due.