
Tailoring options are used to add or modify elements in an application, for example, making changes to screen layouts, objects, functions, properties, and default values.

Configuration Console tailoring

On-site administrators have access to the Configuration Console through which they can configure the user experience of Infor Landmark-based applications.

  • Application:

    • Look-and-feel changes to menus, pages, and various user interface objects that are rolled out to all users.

    • Modifying business rules, fields, and process flow.

    • Enabling/disabling data translation (multi-language field configuration).

  • Security:

    • Controlling access to navigation and delivered reports without the need for creating security classes through the UI Access Control feature of Configuration Console.
    • Modifying delivered security classes and creating new ones.

    • Maintaining actor, identity, and role records.

  • Web Services:

    • Modifying both inbound and outbound web services.

  • Mime Types / Time Zones

    • Creating and modifying MIME type.

    • Modifying time zones.