Option 1: Submit an Add Users Service Request to load identities

From the CloudSuite Self-Service Portal (CSSP), you can create and submit an Add Users Service Request for users who require their Lawson System Foundation user attributes to be updated. This method enables you to mass-load identities for all users who need them.

CloudSuite Self-Service Portal is also the only method that you can use to create an INFORBC account which is required for users who must have an lsenv or thickclientldapls identity.

Populate the spreadsheet that accompanies the Add Users Service Request with the Productline attribute and the Employee service identity that all users must have. Add other attributes or identities as required by your system. These might include:

  • thickclientldapls service (desktop tools access) and lsenv service (command line access and batch jobs).
  • Groups: If you use Lawson System Foundation groups at your site, include the names of the groups that the user must access in the spreadsheet.

The entries in the spreadsheet must meet the following criteria:

  • Username must match Actor.

  • Email address must match what is stored for the user in Infor Ming.le.

  • The thickclientldapls identity must be in the UPN format (username@inforbc.com). An INFORBC account must exist before the identity can be be added. When you use CloudSuite Self-Service Portal to update an identity, populate the AdLevel field to "Yes" for all users who need this identity. CloudSuite Self-Service Portal will first add the INFORBC account and then add the identities.

  • The lsenv identity is added automatically for all records that have AdLevel and LSFLevel set to "Yes" on the CloudSuite Self-Service Portal input file. (The CloudSuite Self-Service Portal Add Users spreadsheet does not have a column for adding the lsenv identity.)

Instructions for completing an Add Users Service Request, which includes adding identities to existing users, and populating the spreadsheet are available in the CloudSuite Self-Service Portal. Click the Help button next to the Add Users Service Request button to access the instructions.