Product descriptions

These desktop applications are included with this CloudSuite.

  • Infor Rich Client: This tool is installed on the client computers of users who administer Landmark and who perform some special functions.
  • Infor Lawson Security Administrator tools: These tools are installed on the client computers of users who administer Lawson users, security, and resources.
  • Infor Lawson Add-ins for Microsoft Office: This tool is installed on the desktop computers of users who import and export data from Lawson applications using Microsoft Excel.
  • Infor Process Designer: This tool is installed on the desktop computers or accessed through a browser for users who design and manage processes for the Infor Process Automation product.
  • Infor Spreadsheet Designer for Microsoft Excel: This tool is installed on the desktop computers of users who import and export data from Landmark applications using Microsoft Excel.

For technical requirements, see the Online Compatibility Matrix in Infor Concierge. Select Important Documents and click the Lifecycle Policies tab.