Applying font styles to messages

You can apply bold, italics, underline, strikethrough, and color to your message text. Use the system pseudo tags shown in the code example. These tags are depicted with curly brackets { } and are translated into the appropriate HTML tags.

For example, if you want the message text to be underlined, you can insert your text in between these curly brackets {u}{/u}. The curly brackets are translated to the HTML tags <u></u>.

For a complete list of supported system pseudo tags, see the Infor PLM for Process User Guide.

Function wf_approve() As Long
        Dim cr As String = Environment.NewLine
        Dim message As String = "{b}Bold (b){/b}" & cr & _
               "{i}Italics (i){/i}" & cr & _
               "{u}Underline (u){/u}" & cr & _
               "{s}Strikethrough (s){/s}" & cr & _
               "{font color='red'}Font colors (font color='xxx'){/font}" & cr & _
               "       Tab characters and carriage returns are also respected"
        Return 1
End Function

You can display message text in a table format. These HTML tags are also supported: <table>, <tr>, <td>, <th>, and <style> .In the actual message, use curly brackets instead of the angle brackets.

Function wf_approve() As Long
   Dim cr As String = Environment.NewLine
   Dim msg As String = "{style}table, th, td {border: 1px solid black;}{/style}"
   msg &= "{table}{th}{b}Column One{/b}{/th}{tr}{td}Val One{/td}{/tr}{tr}{td}Val" 

   & cr & "two{/td}{/tr}{/table}"
   Return 1
End Function