Lab - field descriptions
Labs represent business units or departments and provide a subset of Optiva data to end users. The Lab page defines the information that is available to the users, such as:
- Parameters
- Adjustment Equations
- Profiles
Lab data can also be configured outside of the Lab page. For example, you can assign formulas and items to set codes that have the same names as the lab.
The Optiva administrator can configure the Lab form for notes, attachments, embedded images and custom tables.
Parameters tab
Assign the parameters that are required for the lab. You must have at least one parameter for each lab, such as specific gravity.
Parameters need to be assigned to labs before they can be used in equations.
- Filter
- Select a parameter filter from the list:
- Material Rollup
- Information
- Equation Total
- Full Rollup
- Override
Indicates whether the corresponding parameter ’s value can be edited by users in the lab.
Allowed - Users may override a calculated value at the formula level.
Prohibited - Users cannot override a calculated value at the formula level
- Param Code
Specify the parameter code(s) that you want assigned to the lab.
- Source
Determines how the values for rollup parameters and calculated parameters are derived in the Formula form by Lab.
All - The parameter values of the by-products are used to decrement the total values that are calculated for the ingredients. The parameters on a formula are always calculated based on the yield of the formula.
Ingred Only – The values for the rollup parameters and the calculated parameters are always based upon the ingredients in the Formula > Item Lines tab. Items on the Byproducts tab have no impact on the parameter value.
Project Parameters tab
This tab lists the parameters and filters that can be used for Projects in this lab.
If you want Project parameters to appear in default filters, such as Rollup, Info, Cost, and Equation, you should assign them through the Filter page.
Rollup parameters in a parent project are pulled up and scaled from the child projects. They scale linearly when they combine with other items in a formula.
Informational parameters are entered by the user. While they can be used in calculations, they are not rolled up from a child project to parent projects.
Equation parameters are calculated from equations defining relationships among parameters.
Cost parameters are associated with the project’s production cost. They are pulled up and scaled from the child projects. They are kept distinct from rollup parameters to maintain the security restrictions they require.
You can add Project parameters to the Lab > Parameters tab. They will appear in the filters automatically and those parameters will also be seen by items and formulas.
- Filter
- Select a parameter filter from the list.
- Override
Indicates if a parameter value is allowed to be edited. The selection you make here will be linked to the parameter in this lab.
- Allowed - Users can override the value.
- Prohibited - Users cannot override the value.
- Param Code
- Specify a parameter code.
Profile tab
- Attribute Code
Select an attribute from the list. For example, to display a specific unit of measure for this lab, select
. - Attribute Value
- Enter attribute value(s). Use semi-colons as delimiters.
Adjust Parameter tab
Here, you specify which parameters can be adjusted using the Adjust Formula dialog (which is accessed from the Formula page > menu).
For example, in a FOOD
lab, the total fat parameter,
, is calculated by an equation. To allow users to adjust the value,
assign the parameter and an adjustment equation here.
You can also assign parameters that do not require an equation. In this case, leave the Equation Code column blank.
- Equation Code
Select the equation that will be used to adjust the parameter. For Rollup and Cost parameters, leave this entry blank.
- Param Code
Specify the parameter code(s) that you wish to adjust for this lab. Typically, Rollup and Cost parameters are chosen.
Analysis Parameters tab
Parameters must be assigned to labs before they can be used by the Analysis object.
- Calculable
- Indicates whether the parameter can be calculated.
- Param Code
Specify the parameter code(s) that will be used for analysis.
Analysis Row Tag tab
Use this tab to define analysis result rows for the Analysis object.
- Equation Code
Select the equation that will calculate the result for the analysis.
- Read Only
Indicate whether the results can be edited by users in the Analysis object.
The values are obtained by statistical analysis, but sometimes it is desirable to override them for the purposes of a content label.
- Row Tag
Specify the row in the analysis as it will be referenced in the equation calculating the result. The row tag will contain a value returned by an equation calculation.
For example, if there is a row tag
in an analysis, the values in this row can be used as an argument in an equation.Result = SomeFunction(MEAN)
The value of
will be returned to the parameters in the row with the tagMEAN
in the analysis running the equation. - Scale Ind
The Scale Ind is only appropriate for Source Objects that are Analyses.
The default is to scale parameters according to the scale factor established in the Analysis page.
Scaling is done based upon the Object Detail column.
The Analysis Detail must match the Row Tag column in the Analysis Row Tag tab of the Lab page. Select Not Scaled for parameters that do not need to be scaled.
All other Source Types will be scaled as needed.