Ingredient Statement - field descriptions
Switch Language button
You can use this button to change the language without applying the
Ingredient Statement Rule and without altering the current order.
This means you can prepare the label statement in the primary language and then convert it to specific local languages.
Before you can use this button, you must configure the Labels tab in the Item page with the appropriate language and category selections.
For more information about this button and the setup tasks, see the Infor CloudSuite PLM for Process Label Management Administration Guide.
Main tab
- Alternate Quantity %
Optional entry. By default, ingredient statements are sorted by the formula’s Quantity Percent column.
The column that you select from the Alternate Quantity% list can be used instead of the Quantity Percent column to sort the ingredients.The choices that are available for selection are configured by your Optiva administrator in the
enumerated list.When you define an Alternate Quantity%, the formula’s by-product quantities will be ignored.
- Approval
- Select a code that describes the type of approval.
- Category
Optional entry. It is used to categorize ingredient statements. These choices are defined in the
Enumerated List. - Class
Select a category for the object. An object belongs to only one class.
- Description
- Enter or modify a short description of the object.
- Hold
Select a code that describes the reason for stopping use of an object.
- Language
Optional entry. Select the language in which the statement will be printed.
- Reconstitute Items
Select this check box to include any items in the formula that have reconstitution rules. For example, if there is a milk reconstitution rule for milk powder and water and those items are in the formula, the statement will list the ingredients and quantities as specified on the rule, such as a milk.
- Show Section Titles
Select this check box to display section titles, such as Ingredients, in the ingredient statement. Typically, you will leave this box blank for child ingredient statements.
- Show Status
- Select this check box to display the Status field entry in the ingredient statement. Typically, you will leave this box blank for child ingredient statements.
- Status
Select a code that describes the current state of the object in the release process.
Formula tab
Select the formula(s) that will be used for the statement. Use formulas with only minor differences in ingredients.
If you designate more than one formula, the statement will use the highest quantity for each ingredient.
- Formula Code/Version
- Use the to select a formula code and version.
- View
Opens the Item Contributions form. There, you can examine item contributions for all of the parameters in a formula.
Ingredient Statement Rules tab
Specify the ingredient statement rules for the ingredient statement.
You can specify more than one rule. The first rule is the primary ingredient statement rule. This rule determines the layout for the entire label. Optiva uses the information on the Main tab (i.e., Type Indicator, Case Indicator, and Text Sort Order) and the Sections tab to format the label.
If the ingredients on the first rule do not match all of the ingredients on the formula(s), Optiva will continue to process the rules on the ingredient statement until all of the ingredients are found or until Optiva reaches the end of the rules list.
The ingredients are formatted using the Ingredients tab criteria from the matching rule. In other words, the formatting may not come from the primary rule if more than one rule is used to create the label.
- Ingred Stmt Rule Code
Specify a pre-defined rule that controls the output of the ingredient statement.
to navigate to the rule for this ingredient statement. - L#
Shows a system assigned line number. Line 1 is the primary ingredient statement rule.
Security tab
This tab identifies who can access the object and the types of access privileges that are granted for the Owner, Group, and Role.
The Optiva administrator configures the default security for all objects of this type. You can specify the security for a specific object here. For example, you can assign the Owner full privileges (Read/Copy/Write/Delete), but partial or no access privileges to the Role and Group.
Context tab
- Manufacturing and selling locations
- Brand name
- Type of product
- Product usage
- End users of the product
The context data values that are available for selection are configured by your Optiva administrator.
Although you are not required to enter data in this tab, it is useful for performing searches and for running reports.
Classification tab
You can assign set(s) to Optiva objects. The values that are available for selection are configured by your Optiva administrator.
Sets are a useful method for categorizing your objects and for filtering data when performing lookups and searches. For example, food manufacturers can have separate classifications (set codes) for Baked Goods, Fast Food, Frozen Food, and so forth.
By default, objects are only shown in the lab in which they were created. Once you assign sets to an object, those objects can be seen by users in other labs.
To hide objects from other labs, do not assign them to a set.
Ingredients tab
- Editing the statement text.
- Selecting a different sort order.
- Choosing whether to display or hide ingredient quantities.
- Attribute
Specify additional attributes. The names of these columns can be customized by the Optiva administrator.
- Comment
Shows the comment from the Ingredient Statement Rule page for either the ingredient or group.
If you cannot change this column value, check with your administrator.
- Description
- Shows the label for the ingredient statement section.
- Handling Ind
Controls whether the ingredient percentages will appear in the statement. The choices are:
- Display Qty
- Don’t Display Qty
- Ingred Stmt
Shows the child ingredient statement, if one has been assigned to the item. You can click the link to view the ingredient statement.
- Ingred Stmt Description
Shows the description of the child ingredient statement if one has been assigned to the item.
- Item Code
- Click the link to navigate directly to the Item page and view the details for the item.
- Item Description
- Shows the description of the Item Code.
- Line Type
Select a value from the list to control how the sort will be done and whether the ingredient will appear in the statement. Values are:
Keep Order - if the ingredient quantity exceeds the Sort Threshold.
Change Order - if the ingredient quantity is below the Sort Threshold.
- Hidden
When you click
, the sections that are marked as Don’t Display and Line Type = Hidden will still appear in this tab. Those sections will not appearin the Preview.In addition, the sub-ingredients for that section will also appear in the tab and the corresponding Line Type values for those sub-ingredients will be set to Hidden.
You can click the corresponding links to view those subingredients in the Item object.
- Qty %
Ingredient’s quantity percentage. If you cannot change this column value, check with your administrator.
- Rearrange Rows
- Allows you to change the order in which ingredients will appear in the ingredient statement.
- Set the Line Type to Change Order for those ingredients you wish to rearrange.
- Select only one of those rows and click .
- Use the Arrow keys in the dialog to rearrange the selected ingredient.
Ingredients that have a Keep Order Line Type will retain the same Sequence number.
Suppose you have an ingredient statement that is composed of two Section IDs and each section has multiple Change Order rows. In this case, you must perform the rearrange steps separately for each section.To preserve your overall structure, Section ID #1 ingredients will never appear in the Rearrange Rows dialog with Section ID #2 ingredients.
- Section ID
- Shows the identifier of the grouping of ingredients.
- Sequence
- Shows the order of ingredients in its section.
- Statement Text
Select the required text that must be used as an ingredient name from the lookup.
Preview tab
Apply the Rule(s). The Default section displays the original text. Use the Current section to edit the text.
Regenerate the preview with any changes that you have made in the Ingredients section.
- Save the preview to a function code which is stored in the database.
- Top Line - Ingredient statement status
- Header Line - Defined in the Header/Footer tab.
- Ingredient Statement - Can appear in one or more sections.
- Footer Line - Defined in the Header/Footer tab.
profile attribute has been
pre-loaded with a workflow which will save the preview text to a function code (Doc
Header/Footer tab
Use this tab to add the text that will display at the top and/or bottom of the ingredient statement. You can view this text in the Preview tab.
References tab
The References tab is used to link to other objects, such as: Vendors, Customers, Specifications, Formulas, Items, and Projects.
You can add referenced objects to this tab by clicking the
or buttons. The same reference can be added more than once.After the new object has been added to the tab, you can click the link to open the object in its own window.
Exceptions tab
- Formula(s) that have exceptions.
- Reasons for the exceptions.
- Ingredient statement sections and ingredients that have exceptions.
Exceptions can be due to sorting or grouping threshold mismatches. For example, an ingredient may be above the threshold in one formula, but below it in another formula.