
You can use this function for Optiva Workflows and Functions.


Returns a new object called EmailTemplateText.


Function EmailTemplate(template As String, ParamArray args() As String) As EmailTemplateText


Argument Description
template Using the Email Template form, the system administrator can create the message in plain text format or HTML format.
ParamArray Custom parameters included in the message. Include local or global variables as parameters in the notify message. In the template code, refer to the variable as [%n], where n is the number of the custom parameter.


The EmailTemplateText object will have the Subject, Message and IsHtml properties filled in with the fully updated and token replacements of the requested template. This is equivalent to calling the Optiva Notify method in regards to filling out of the email template. This allows the script to then use the SendMail method instead where you can pass the Subject, Message and IsHtml arguments from the EmailTemplateText object. Previously, SendMail did not allow for email templates like Notify does, and Notify did not allow for file attachments. Using the EmailTemplate method allows for email templates and file attachments.

You can use the class EmailTemplateText with the following properties:
Public Property IsHtml As Boolean
Public Property Message As String
Public Property Subject As String
To use the EmailTemplateText class in your script, add the following to the list of Imports at the top of the script:
Imports Formation.Shared.Defs