User Information page

The User Information page shows the Windows Identity and the User Principal Name for a user. The Windows Identity is used for IWA authentication. The User Principal Name is used for AD and AD/AD FS authentication.

  1. Click User Information in the Authentication pages or launch the UserInformation.bat file in the tools directory.
  2. Specify the Active Directory user credentials and click OK.
    • The User Name format can be Name or Domain\Name.
    • When the password is incorrect, the failure is counted against the total number of failed login attempts.
    • The Domain value shows the current domain that is to be used with the name. Or, it shows the domain that you specified with the name in the User Name field.

    Details about that user are displayed. Some of these details are the user’s email address, the user’s Windows Identity, the User Principal Name, and the domain controller which authenticated those credentials.

    The User Principal Name applies to both Active Directory (AD) and Active Directory Federation Services (AD/AD FS).