Generating scripts

  1. Select at least one object in the grid before selecting Scripts > Generate Scripts. You can also generate scripts for all objects.
  2. After selecting Generate Scripts to validate the object status, the Generate Script dialog is displayed. Select Output File Style.
    • If the output file style is SQL Scripts Organized by Table, then scripts files are generated for each table related to respective selected object(s) in the Single-Tenant Output folder.
    • If the output file style is SQL Scripts Organized by Object Type, only one script file is generated to the selected object(s) in the Single-Tenant Output folder.
    • Single-Tenant Output folder path is read from the BDL.SHAREDPATH profile attribute. While generating the scripts, a sequence script file is also generated for the required object(s).
  3. After the scripts are generated in the output folder, a Generate Scripts Success alert is displayed. The Script Generation Status and Date columns are updated in Main tab grid. Otherwise, a message with the reason for the error is displayed.

    The status of the selected object can be identified based on colour code for the Status field in the respective grid.