A step in a workflow or action set. An action is defined by an
event and the script that governs its behavior. Actions in an action set
correspond to tasks in a workflow.
action code
An action.
action set
A collection of actions that constitutes a workflow. When a
workflow is launched, it proceeds through the actions that are assigned to the
action set until it is complete. Action sets are reused for new workflows.
If a workflow task is completed before or after its original due date,
the dates for the remaining open tasks can be recalculated for you. This recalculation
occurs only when the Full Elasticity check box is
selected in the Action Set form.
A portion of an action. Events are scripted into the action.
Events are also the buttons on the
Pending Tasks form.
Determines the behavior of events. Functions are used in the scripting
language for Optiva Workflow. Functions retrieve information
from the database, assign values to properties of objects, and transfer information to
external systems.
Small pieces of programming code that are used in Optiva Workflow to dictate the behavior of workflows. Scripts use
function statements, return codes and conditional statements to define the behavior of
tasks pending
The lists of workflow tasks that are assigned to a user, group
or role.
task user
The current user in a workflow.
The system administrator can configure wizards to be launched from
either the Home page or from an Optiva object. Wizards can also be used instead of Create Rules to
create formulas, items, projects, and specifications in Optiva.
An action set applied to a particular object at a specific time.
The action set provides the steps of the workflow to apply to the particular
work ID
A unique identification number that is assigned to each
workflow. Use this number to access information on the workflow in the
Workflow in Progress form.