Creating the test samples

Use the Sample form to assign a sample to a formula or item.

  1. Open the Sample form.
  2. Specify this criteria.
    Based on None
    Sample is not based on an Optiva object. Use for a vendor sample.
    Based on Item or Formula
    Sample is based on an Optiva object
    Formula or item represented by the sample.
    Source Type
    Originator of the sample (user, group, vendor, customer).
    ID of the originator.
    Batch ID
    Batch from which the sample came.
    Informational identifier for the sample.
    Type of sample; can be used as a category to sort the lookup list.
    Creation Date
    Date the sample was created.
    Discard Date
    Date the sample should be discarded.
    Based On
    Select the origin for the sample.

    After you record results for a test, you can modify the general information for samples that are associated with the test. You can continue to modify custom attributes in the current sample or create a new sample to change general information.