Array data for single objects
Some details can have multiple values such as: All parameters or All ingredients. Use parentheses in either of these ways to specify an array return.
Dim variable1 As Object()
Dim variable() As Object
If you enter a value in the
, then a single value is returned. For example,
return the value of the
dim Protein1 as object = ObjProperty("VALUE.TPALL","","", "PROTEIN",2)
The wildcard (*) that is used in the
argument always returns an array.
dim Protein1 as object = ObjProperty("VALUE.TPALL","","", "*",2)
Use the
argument to determine if the array is single or
multiple values. Use the array in the
For... Next
loop to move through the values.
DIm k As Integer
Dim variable1() As Object = ObjProperty(PropertyName,[Symbol,Object,RowKey,ColumnKey])
For k = 0 to variable1.length -1
’more processing logic here...
Next k
For examples of array for single objects, see Multiple details returned.