
You can use this function for Optiva Workflows and Equations.


Shows a message to the user in the Alert Message dialog.


The MessageList has two signatures:

Public Function MessageList(ByVal msg As String) As Long
Public Function MessageList(ByVal msg As String, ByVal ParamArray params() As String) 
As Long

The second method concatenates the text from the 'params' argument. The concatenation does not contain any spaces or separators. That text is appended to the 'msg' value. It then forwards the call to the first method.


MessageList shows a message to the current user. The message can be opened automatically by inserting the statement in a workflow event such as START. Or, it can be button-prompted by inserting the statement into a buttoned event. You can also use MessageList functions during configuration as a diagnostic tool.

Example 1

MessageList("The Approve event completed successfully.")

Example 2

This example outputs the list of arguments (i.e., Argument 1Argument 2Argument N) to the user. Note the lack of space between the argument values.

Dim MsgArgs() As String = New String() {"Argument 1", "Argument 2", "Argument N"}
MessageList("The list of arguments: ", MsgArgs)

Workflow examples

In this example, the message is entered into the REJECT event. When the user clicks Reject, the workflow is cancelled and the user is notified.

MessageList("You have selected the Reject button. This workflow is 
Return 9111

Include information that is assigned to the local variables in the alert message. This example shows the oStatus of the object of the workflow in the alert message box.

Dim oStatus As Object = ObjProperty("STATUSIND.STATUS")
MessageList("The status is: ",oStatus)