
You can use this function for Optiva Workflows, and Copy Methods.


RemoveMultiLanguageValues(objectSymbol As String, objectKey As String) As Integer


Part Description
objectSymbol The object type of symbol.

Use empty quotation marks to indicate the current symbol for the workflow or the new object for the copy method.

objectkey The object key for which context attributes can be added.

Use empty quotation marks to indicate the current object for the workflow or the new object for the copy method.


RemoveMultiLanguageValues is used to remove language values of a field.

This is an example to remove the multi-language values for all supported fields.

Dim rc As Long = RemoveMultiLanguageValues("", "")


RemoveMultiLanguageValues(objectSymbol As String, objectKey As String, fieldNames As List (Of String)) As Integer.


Part Description
objectSymbol The object type of symbol.

Use empty quotation marks to indicate the current symbol for the workflow or the new object for the copy method.

objectkey The object key for which context attributes can be added.

Use empty quotation marks to indicate the current object for the workflow or the new object for the copy method.

fieldnames The name of the field for which the multi-language value of the field is updated.


RemoveMultiLanguageValues is used to remove the Description and Comment values in all supported languages.

This is an example to remove the Description and Comment values for all supported fields.

RemoveMultiLanguageValues("", "", New List(Of String) From {"DESCRIPTION", "COMMENT"})


RemoveMultiLanguageValues(objectSymbol As String, objectKey As String, fieldNames As List(Of String)) As Integer.


Part Description
objectSymbol The object type of symbol.

Use empty quotation marks to indicate the current symbol for the workflow or the new object for the copy method.

objectkey The object key for which context attributes can be added.

Use empty quotation marks to indicate the current object for the workflow or the new object for the copy method.

fieldnames The name of the field in which the multi-language value of the field is updated.
languageCode The language code in which the multi-language value of the field is updated.


RemoveMultiLanguageValues is used to remove the Description specified in multi-language.

This is an example to remove the Description specified in multi-language.

RemoveMultiLanguageValues("", "", New List(Of String) From {"DESCRIPTION"}, New List(Of String) From {"EL-GR"})
RemoveMultiLanguageValues("", "", New List(Of String), New List(Of String) From {"FR-FR"})