
You can use this function for PLM for Process fields.


Determines if there are values available for a given field.


Public ReadOnly Property HasCurrentRowValue(columnName As String) As Boolean
Public ReadOnly Property HasProposedRowValue(columnName As String) As Boolean


Part Description
ColumnName The column name.


The HasCurrentRowValue and HasProposedRowValue functions can be used in the IngrPreRowUpdate script hooks to determine if there are values available for a given field. Using these methods prior to calling GetCurrentRowValue and GetProposedRowValue can avoid run time errors. The HasCurrentRowValue and HasProposedRowValue functions check two aspects. First, if there is a Current or Proposed row available. Secondly, if that row contains the column name that is passed in as an argument. These functions do not test if the column has value or not. The GetCurrentRowValue and GetProposedRowValue can be used to check the column value for null values.