Extension table example
This example demonstrates how to add rows to an extension table.
Option Strict Off
Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Diagnostics
Class ActionScript
Inherits FcProcFuncSetEventWF
Function wf_start() As Long
Dim newDM0Row As DataRow = GetNewRow("", "", "MATRIX.V\DMITEM0")
newDM0Row("FIELD2") = "new row added by WF "
newDM0Row("FIELD3") = DateTime.Now
newDM0Row("FIELD4") = 879.654
CommitNewRow("", "", "MATRIX.V\DMITEM0", newDM0Row)
Dim newDM1Row As DataRow = GetNewRow("", "", "MATRIX.V\DMITEM1")
newDM1Row("FIELD2") = 456.123
newDM1Row("FIELD3") = DateTime.Now
CommitNewRow("", "", "MATRIX.V\DMITEM1", newDM1Row)
Return 111
End Function
End Class
You can create an action set and an action script that specifies the extension tables to display in a wizard. Your action script can include a create rule that copies the data in the wizard extension table to a new object. For an example, see the Infor PLM for Process Workflow Administration Guide.