Data Dump

The Data Dump form shows the database tables, table columns, and validation codes that correspond to a specific business object.

Typically, this form is used by the administrators when they are writing scripts or resolving scripting issues.

To use the Data Dump form, complete these steps:

  1. Specify 1 as the value for the WEB.DATADUMP profile attribute.
  2. Open any object in the web client. For example, open a formula.
  3. Select View > Data Dump. Each tab in the Data Dump form corresponds to a database table in . For example, the FSFORMULA(1) tab corresponds to the FSFORMULA table. This tab captures general information about the formula, such as the formula code, version, and description.
  4. Optionally, click Export to Excel. This exports the information from any grid in the Data Dump form to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.