Configuring OptivaWeb for use with AD/AD FS directly

To use AD/AD FS authentication without the use of Infor Federation Services, you must configure Optiva and Active Directory Federation Services.

  1. Ensure that a server certificate has been created. It must be bound to the website that is hosting the FsOptivaWeb application.
  2. Ensure that the certificate is bound to the AD FS site. It must be added to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store of the machine hosting FsOptivaWeb.
  3. Launch AutoRunPro.exe. Click Utility. Then, click the Optiva Authentication link.
  4. Ensure that the Optiva URL is prefixed with https and click Next.
  5. Select the Active Directory/AD FS Authentication option and click Next.
  6. Select the Configure AD FS by Selecting Security Token Service Directly option and click Next.
  7. Specify the full AD FS metadata location (e.g. Or, specify only the AD FS server name (e.g., or adfs, depending on how the server is shown on the network).
  8. Click Test to verify that the AD FS service can be contacted. Then, click Next.

    If the AD FS certificate has not been added to the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store, an error message is displayed. The message indicates that the trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel cannot be established.

  9. Check the Security Token Service settings on the Summary page. Click Apply and read the post-configuration tasks on the Results page.
  10. Click Close. The OptivaWeb configuration is now complete.