Property List (

The information that is displayed in the Property list is based on your PLM Process Server and PLM Process web selections. This information is read-only. It is required by the cloud management team when they create the application service provider.

  • sp.applicationtype: “OPTIVA”.
  • sp.entityid, sp.slo.url, and sp.sso.url: Specify the Optiva URL plus a trailing slash.
  • “Infor Optiva”.
  • sp.saml.metadata.xml.base64 and sp.signing.*: n/a

Click Save Service Provider File … to create a file named This is a UTF-8 text file that contains all of the values as key = value pairs.

sp.applicationtype = OPTIVA
sp.entityid = https://<system>/FsOptivaWeb/ = Infor Optiva
sp.saml.metadata.xml.base64 = 
sp.signing.certificate.2.base64 = 
sp.signing.certificate.base64 = 
sp.slo.url = https://<system>/FsOptivaWeb/
sp.sso.url = https://<system>/FsOptivaWeb/

As previously stated, the file is auto-generated. It contains several values that are set to the URL of Optiva plus a trailing slash. Under normal circumstances, this file should be sent to the cloud management team as-is.

You can edit these URLs before you send them to the cloud team. If you use a load balancer, the auto-detected host name is not necessary. You can use an alias for other reasons that warrant editing the URLs.

If the auto-detected URL is, but users are accessing the application through, then complete this task. You must carefully and manually edit the file before sending it to the cloud management team. If you do so, include the trailing slash. Be careful not to introduce any errors or discrepancies between the entries.

When the cloud management team receives the file, they create the application service provider for you. You receive an archive which contains these files:

File Description
instructions.docx A short explanation of the contents of this archive. The property file that describes the identity provider.

The contents of this archive can change over time. It should include this information:

  • the file

The names of the certificates may be different from what you see in this documentation.

The process of exchanging the file with the archive from the cloud management team is not covered here. This document assumes that this exchange has taken place.