Adding the OptivaWeb relying party trust

On the AD FS server, complete these steps:

  1. Select Start > Contol Panel > Administrative Tools > AD FS Management.
  2. Select the Relying Party Trusts in the Trust Relationships node.
  3. Click the Add Relying Party Trust… link in the Actions pane.
  4. Click Start in the Wizard Welcome page. Then, select the Import data about the relying party … option on the Select Data Source page.
  5. Specify the OptivaWeb Federation Metadata location (e.g., https://<optivaweb server>/FsOptivaWeb/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml) and click Next.
  6. Specify a display name for the relying party (e.g., FsOptivaWeb) and click Next.
  7. Select Permit all users to access this relying party and click Next.
    OptivaWeb is only using AD FS to validate an Active Directory user. The real access to the application is still controlled by the entries in the FSUSER table. This is no different from using Integrated Windows Authentication. For IWA, all Windows users are recognized by the browser. Only the users with entries in the FSUSER table are permitted access.
  8. Verify the settings on the Monitoring, Identifiers, and Endpoints tabs in the Ready to Add Trust page. Click Next.
  9. Clear the Open the Edit Claim Rules box in the Finish page. Click Close.