Working with the log files

When you work with the log files, complete these steps:

  1. Specify the location for the server logs. By default, the log files for the Optiva Server and the web client are located in an Optiva subdirectory of the system’s TEMP directory.
    See the Infor PLM for Process (Optiva) Application Configuration Guide.
  2. Configure the event logs. After you complete the installation and before you launch Optiva for the first time, you must modify the setup of the Event Viewer logs. If you do not make this setup change, the event logs can become full. In that case, you cannot launch Optiva. You must specify user permission to the log folders.
  3. Optionally, specify the trace levels. The trace file verbosity level is specified in the configuration file. The default value is 0 to turn off the logs. Zero is recommended to improve performance in production.
    For troubleshooting, you can modify the value to increase the specificity of the messages returned. A value of 20 provides the most detail. You can specify a location for the log.
  4. Optionally, change the time-out values that are used to close down the web client services that are not in use. The default values are normally adequate, but you can change them in the Web.config file. This file is located in the \FsOptivaWeb directory.