Configuring the Logical ID inside Infor Ming.le

The Logical ID for Optiva is configured inside of Infor Ming.le. The Infor OS Platform Administration Guide, Release 12.0.x, explains how to add and manage applications. This guide is available on Infor Xtreme.

To view or edit the Logical ID, complete these steps in Infor Ming.le.

  1. Select User > Admin Settings.
  2. Double-click the Optiva icon. The Deployment Information tab in the Admin Settings form is displayed. The fields are described briefly in the table.
    Field Name Value
    Use HTTPS A check mark indicates a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) configuration.
    Host Name The name of the network server where the Optiva web application is hosted.
    Port 7443
    Context FsOptivaWeb
    Default Tenant ID infor
    Logical ID lid://infor.plmprocess is read-only. The recommended suffix is optiva01.