Preparing to uninstall Optiva

Before uninstalling and re-installing Optiva, back out any changes that you made to create additional application servers and web farms.

Note: If you are upgrading from a version that is before 12.1.4, save the Optiva.config file. This file has your database connection information.
COR tables will now be replaced in the production DB and centralized in an InboxIO Connections DB when you are upgrading to 12.1.4 or later.

Then, complete these steps:

  1. Back up your database.
  2. Back up any system files that you have customized. These files are overwritten by the installation. After you complete the installation, run a comparison between your customized files and the latest system files. See Synchronizing customized files with changes to system files.
  3. Back up the xml directory for Optiva, if it is installed. C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\FsOptivaWeb\xml\. This folder is overwritten during the installation.
    After the installation is complete, restore the backup copy of the XML directory. Verify that the directory is not read-only.
  4. Save the configuration in the App.config file for the XML Listener. This file contains custom values for your site. C:\Program Files\Optiva\Infor\Infor Optiva XML Listener\App.config
    After the installation is complete, copy these values to the default App.config file.
  5. Use PLM Process Configuration to specify the database connections. See Configuring the database connection strings.