Installation checklist

The steps for a new installation are explained briefly here. The details are provided in other chapters in this guide.

  1. Download the CD image from the Infor distribution site.
  2. Ensure that the prerequisite software is installed. See Prerequisite software
  3. Install the SQL Server database or the Oracle database for a new installation. Run translation scripts to enable the user interface in another language.
  4. Run AutoRunPro.exe to install the required components.
  5. Use Optiva Configuration to configure the database connections. See Connecting to databases.
  6. Configure the Infor Ming.le environment for Optiva. See Infor Ming.le and Logical ID configuration.
  7. Configure password authentication for users. When the Optiva Server and web client are installed, the default configuration is IWA. See Authentication choices.
  8. Run AutoRunPro.exe to install the optional components.
  9. Complete final setup including impersonation for publishing attachments and web reports. Additional configuration is required for log files, .config files etc. See the list of tasks that refers to configuration information in the respective guides.