Showing the Restart menu choices

The Restart menu choices are hidden from the Tools menu in PLM Process Configuration. To display them, see Enabling the Restart menu choices.

When you are ready to restart the PLM Process web client, PLM Process Server, and PLM Process Configuration applications, complete these steps:

  1. Specify the site names and URLs for the PLM Process Server and web client in the Home page.
  2. Select the appropriate choice from the Tools menu.
  3. Restart the PLM Process web client after you restart Optiva Server.
    When you select a Restart menu choice, a message indicates that the application pools have been recycled. The browser is refreshed for PLM Process Configuration.

    Recycling the application pool is less severe than running IISReset.exe, but possibly more severe than unloading and reloading individual AppDomains.

    Each Optiva application has an application pool of its own which is not shared with other applications. In this case, recycling an application pool normally has the same scope as unloading and reloading an AppDomain.