To configure the Oracle database server connection, you must update these files:

  • Web.config file for the Optiva Server
  • App.config file for the Database Configuration tool

Use either one of these methods.

Method 1

Specify the folder path where the tnsnames.ora file resides. This file must be on the local server. (The local server includes server machines and basic client computers.) Remove the exclamation point and the dashes at the beginning and end of this line.

Replace path_to_oracle_admin_folder with the full folder path to the location where the tnsnames.ora file resides.

 <version number="*">
  <setting name="TNS_ADMIN" value="[path_to_oracle_admin_folder]" />

Method 2

Add an entry for each Optiva database server connection. Ensure that you enter a valid protocol, host, port, and service name. For this method, the tnsnames.ora file is ignored. This example is for the ORAINSTANCE server.

      <dataSource alias="ORAINSTANCE" descriptor="(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = 
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oradbserver)(PORT = 1521))) 