Granting permissions for Publishing Attachments and Web Reports

Optiva runs as a local account called the NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE. The local account is designed to have limited permissions. In particular, this account is usually not allowed to make changes on other computers on the network.

For published attachments and reports to be saved on the secure server, the appropriate Windows permissions must be configured on the destination file server. You can specify write access for the “Everyone” group; but it is recommended that you configure these folders to grant read/write permission to the PLM Process Servers.

There are two ways to grant access to the PLM Process server.

  • One way is to grant access to all the local accounts on the PLM Process Server. To do this, specify the computer name. The format is your domain\ABC1$ if your computer is named ABC.
  • The other way is to associate a domain account to the App Pool, and then grant access to only that user. It is advisable that this domain account not have an expiring password.

See File attachments to learn more about publishing attachments.

See APIs for secured scripting to learn more about web reports.